Mother’s Cubboard Says Sincere Thanks



On behalf of Mother’s Cupboard Community Kitchen Board of Directors, a big thanks to everyone for their silent auction donations, bowls, soups, and volunteers in the weeks leading up to the event, as well as the day of the Soup Bowl 2024 event, to ensure its success and that a good time would be had by all!

Because of the support of our generous community and volunteers, we can continue to fight hunger in our county and the surrounding counties, by providing hot meals and pantry items to our clients, no questions asked.

To IGA and The Visitor’s Center pre-ticket sales. Thank you for always supporting us and helping sell tickets.

To Kevin Ault and staff for always accommodating us and making sure we have everything we need at the Seasons.

Silent Auction donations: This year we had well over 150 items donated by local businesses, artists, jewelry, woodworkers, crafters, potters, the schools, and private individuals.

Thanks to John Whitcomb and Chris Spencer for providing live entertainment.

Volunteers for the Silent Auction, Bid Sign Up, Runners, Checkout, Bowls, Tickets, Drinks and Desserts, Set Up and Clean Up: Linda McQueary, Evan Knox, Rhonda Van Winkle, Brandi Harper, Susy O’Donnell, Eli Webb, Andrea Baker, Patty Abrams, Lori Owings, Tony White, Steve Blee, Tracy Blee, Allison Blee, Amy and Jim Oliver, Paul Colvin, Terry Beckinger, Bob and Yvonne Oliger, Judy Stewart, Joseph Bowmer, Grace Richardson, Deb and Doug Hoffman , Phillip Hibner, Jenny Dunn, Marqi Satter, Bill and Ann Walters, Robin White, Bob and Alice Susemichael, Jane Huffman, Lu Brunnemer, June Floyd, Rhea Ellen Boley, Mandy Simmons, Layla Simmons, Violet McClain, Mandy Wade and Alloyna Shamley . I hope I didn’t miss anyone. You all were so appreciated, as always.

Delicious soups were provided by: The Nashville House, The Ferguson House, Out of the Ordinary, Sycamore Saloon, Story Inn, Brown County Inn, Abe Martin Lodge, Hobnob, Birds Nest, Rafters, Chop House, Waycross, Brozinni’s, The Farm House Cafe, Kim Robinson and Jenny Johnson, Paul Colvin, Jim and Amy Oliver and Mother’s Cupboard. To all the chefs, servers, and helpers from these fine establishments. Thank You! We hope you all join us again next year.

Finally, to Susy O’Donnell for taking on the task of bowls. Directing set up and packing up bowls and to the following potters in Brown County and surrounding counties for providing us with bowls. Barb Lund, Rebecca Lowery, Thomas Harris, Walt, Schmidt, Adam Egenolf, Beth Mills, Holly Pots, Larry Spears, Mindy Weddle, Andrew Huddleston, Loretta Wray, Marcy Neiditz and Student Bowls from Bloomington. We had the most fabulous bowls this year, so many, many compliments.

Save the date for Soup Bowl 2025! Sunday, March 23rd, 2025!!!!!

No one should ever be hungry….

Sandy Smith-Richardson

Mother’s Cupboard Community Kitchen

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