Open letter to community from school superintendent


Brown County Community,

We extend our deepest gratitude to you for your unwavering support and dedication during the recent referendum. Your commitment has been instrumental in shaping a positive outcome, despite the challenges we faced. Thanks to your efforts, we have secured a future where we can continue to provide world-class educational opportunities to our students. Your overwhelming commitment to our schools speaks volumes about the strength and unity of our community.

At the heart of our vision lies the belief in providing world-class opportunities within the nurturing environment of small school relationships, ultimately leaving a lifelong impact on our students. Your support ensures that we can continue to uphold this vision, enriching the lives of our students and preparing them for success in an ever-evolving world.

As we turn this new page, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Our vision is to not only maintain but to grow the quality of education by integrating these world-class learning opportunities with the close-knit, supportive environment that is unique to our small schools. We are committed to fostering strong, personal relationships that encourage our students to grow academically and personally. Looking ahead, we are dedicated to creating an environment where every student can thrive and where the impact of our efforts resonates well into their future. We aim to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed beyond our classrooms and to become lifelong learners and contributors to society. We would have worked relentlessly to accomplish these things win or lose, but now, we can move forward knowing that the Brown County community supports our vision, our educators and our students.

With your generous support, we can now ensure that we retain the best of the best educators and staff members. These dedicated professionals are the backbone of our schools, fostering an environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential. Your support enables us to attract and retain these exceptional individuals, who are instrumental in shaping the future of our students and our community.

Together, we are building more than just schools; we are building a brighter future for generations to come. Your support of our referendum not only strengthens our schools but also strengthens the bonds within our community, demonstrating the collective power we have to make a difference.

Once again, thank you, Brown County, for your incredible support. We are deeply honored to serve such a remarkable community, and we look forward to continuing to work together to provide world-class opportunities, foster small school relationships, and make a lifelong impact on our students. It is your support that makes all of this possible. Together, we will continue to make Brown County Schools a beacon of excellence and a place where every student can achieve their best.

Emily Tracy, Superintendent

Brown County Schools

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