Where’s There: Dakota goes International

Hey there Brown County! It’s your local explorer Dakota, or should I say not-so-local … this week I traveled a little past the county line. I must have gotten lost on my way to the gas station.

On my quest, I stumbled upon this familiar structure and I don’t know where but I have definitely seen it before. It was built between 72 and 80 AD. That makes it approximately 1,737 years older than the entire state of Indiana … but still a little younger than the hills of Brown County!

I don’t know about you, but my brain cannot understand the full capacity of anything built before the 1700s, it all just feels ancient— this is the true definition of antiquity. Originally built as an entertainment venue for gladiator fights, mock naval battles and animal hunts, this structure has seen its fair share of violence. It’s now revered as a world wonder and top tourist attraction in Europe.

I know this is a bit different than my usual spots, but I’m confident you can still help me out.

So, Brown County … Where’s there?

Think you know where I am? Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office to give us your guess in person. One lucky winner will be randomly drawn to receive their very own copy of 175 Years of Brown County.

Last week we had five correct guesses I was at the Salt Creek Trail Concrete Bridge. Thank you to Edith Snyder, Cheryl Fox, Sharon Roth, Joan Miller and Chris Eickleberry for your guesses.

What a small world, Mrs. Fox taught me Geometry in high school and now she’s helping me identify landmarks! That’s one great thing about living in a small town, there are no strangers.

After a random drawing … drum roll please, Edith Snyder is this week’s winner. Congratulations Edith! Feel free to stop by our office during regular office hours (M-F, 9-4) to pick up your copy of 175 years of Brown County and get a photo with me. We are out and about a lot so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) first to make sure I’m here!
