Where’s There: Dakota takes the World!

Howdy Brown County! It’s your localite wayfarer reporting to you 4,705 miles away from home. Last week I got lost and I meant to be home by now but as Joni Mitchell said, “Clouds got in my way.”

Those clouds being the fear that if I move, this building might fall and crush an entire town and that just feels like a lot of paper work. You understand Brown County, don’t you?

This week I bring to you another ancient wonder completed 652 years ago.

No need to tilt your head or get out the level, they made it that way. No it was not the work of a very clumsy giant, or the weight of thousands of people standing on one side for their entire lives, this structure began leaning fairly early into its construction.

After the first three stories were built, the architects realized how crooked the tower was because of the soft foundation. It currently has eight stories and in the 1920s was renovated to provide stability to the structure, so they couldn’t have minded too much. It’s imperfections make it perfect, or however that saying goes.

So Brown County, Where’s there?

Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office to see us in person with your guess. One random person will be chosen to win their very own copy of 175 Years of Brown County.

Last week we had three correct guesses that I was at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. Wow, you guys are dedicated. That’s amore, right there! Thank you Travis Harding, Sandy Smith-Richardson and Carol Bowden for finding me. I may be far from home, but the Brown County love is felt worldwide.

While you are all winner’s to me, there can only be one. After a random drawing … drum roll please, last week’s winner is Sandy Smith-Richardson! Thank you Sandy for playing, and for your continued support. You’re the best!

What a small world! Sandy was tasked with watching me grow up through her daughter and working at the schools when we were young. I would like to just say, Sandy … I’m sorry.

Feel free to stop by our office during regular office hours (M-F, 9-4) to pick up your personal copy of 175 Years of Brown County and get a picture with me. We’re out and about a lot, so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) to make sure I’m here.

I’ll see you next week, Brown County!
