Who’s The Cool Kid Club Now? We Are!


Just looking around at politics, trials, taxes, elections and such and … heck, we need a break. How about a little walk down memory lane?

Thing is, I was never in the cool kids club. When I was slip-sliding through the narrow halls of Our Lady of Grace Elementary, the three-room schoolhouse I spent 10 long years in (even though there were only six grades), I was short and fat.

By the time I got to the hallowed halls of high school, I was tall, skinny and really uncoordinated. I tried to play basketball but couldn’t run, dribble, pass or shoot. No idea why the coach cut me.

None of the above exactly positioned me to date any cheerleaders, know what I mean?

Anywho, it dawned on me that in our little world today, that same caste system still exists. There are the popular kids – you know, the group comfortable in their own skin, who more or less makes the rules and who the rest of the school wants to be like.

Who exactly is that, you ask? Us! Yes, us Baby Boomers. Oh, forget those millennials and Gen X’ers who love to say, Sure Boomer. They don’t even know how to balance a checkbook. Take their phone away and they wouldn’t be able to find their way from the living room to the bathroom.

So relax and enjoy a little. You are the cool kid. You’ve reached a point in life where every day is a good hair day – and if it’s not, you don’t care. Stress? You eat stress for breakfast while the young’uns let it consume them and their decisions. You know all the tricks, the ins and outs, so to speak. If this was still high school, you’re the kings and queens of the prom!

And to prove it, here’s a test. No worries, you’ll ace it. And just for kicks, share it with the younger generations – and enjoy the deer-in-the-headlights look when you tell them they can’t use Google.

Instructions? Please! We don’t need no stinkin’ instructions. Just get started and have fun.

  1. Where does this phrase come from: One ringy dingy … snort? And for bonus points, what was the name of the character Lily Tomlin was portraying?
  2. Who was Richard Daley and why was he in the news in 1968?
  3. Why was Bobby Riggs called a male chauvinist pig?
  4. Who was Hopalong Cassidy’s sidekick? OK, Gabby Hayes might be too easy an answer. How about what was his character’s name?
  5. From the presidential campaign of 1952, complete this phrase: I Like ___ ?
  6. What did kids do on Saturday mornings in the 1960s?
  7. Speaking of, who were Tom and Jerry?
  8. Name the Three Stooges – and yes, any three names from the six. Bonus points if you can name all six.
  9. True or False – Doris Day had a No. 1 single with her recording of Sentimental Journey?
  10. The phrase “I am not a crook” was uttered by:

    A. Al Capone

    B. Jesse James

    C. Richard Nixon

OK cool kids, that’s it. Answers? Pshaw. You already know the answers so skip that noise. Stay cool, be groovy, let’s go Daddy-O … walk around like you own the place. You do.

Tim Timmons is keeping the editor’s seat warm at the Brown County Democrat for the time being. In his spare time, he owns a couple of newspapers in central Indiana.

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