Letter to the Editor: Clara Stanley


To the Editor:

May 23rd was the last day of Brown County Schools for the 2023-24 school year and so was for the month of Teacher Appreciation! Our parents and PTOs have done a tremendous job to express our gratitude toward our hard working and dedicated teachers and staff through the whole month of May. However, how possibly could we enjoy this celebration without our victory on passing the Referendum on May 7th? It is our humble and unfathomable gratitude to our proud Brown County for your generous and brave support for our education, children and school community!

Since we failed the 2022 Referendum, it has been the on-going efforts for the last one and half year to solely focus on this year of winning, yet we all are aware that this is just a beginning of another battle for next eight years. 54.75 percent and 368 more votes of Yes! are not enough to secure the future success yet.

With that being in our minds, there are some points to be shared here with you:

First, as concerned residents and forever parents of Brown County Schools, we will continue to exercise our best support in helping Brown County Schools continue to improve and become a bigger and stronger part of our community. Folks, remember that education never belongs to schools only but to its village. Education is achieved not just with money, but with the wholesome support from all areas of the community. Again, children are our absolute values we have to strive to center around in structuring our future planning. Not the other way around, period.

Second, all the issues around the Referendum should bring our community together, not dividing, into a better connected and bridged entity as it requires our creative pursuit of problem solving. We have clearly heard the struggles of many residents especially those who face the tougher financial situation because of this Referendum passing. What an awesome opportunity our children have provided us in learning better about our neighbors and their life situations? We will not be deaf on you.

Third, every aspect of local, state and national leadership should continue to be evaluated based on where they stand in regards to the issues and founding principles of education. Folks, please think twice, looking to the upcoming November election, if you want to stand for the interest of your own political party at the expense of the true well-being of our own Brown County. Please be not selfish or short-sighted in selecting a right person for a right position, which may ask you to surpass your political line.

We also should exercise our careful discernment to screen down the true quality of leaders. Two weeks ago here in the Democrat, we clearly saw two political official and candidate using the Referendum platforms to their political advantage, belittling our hard-won, grassroots victory. We are not bragging, however, Brown County does not belong to those losers. Being aware what we do as grown-ups will all impact our children, we must be accountable for what we have chosen, and make the best of what we have in order to achieve the best for the future. In any case and situation, you political leaders and candidates, please stay firm at your basic line of integrity, which should penetrate through whatever you say or do, as we will all be watching you very carefully.

Lastly but never the least, we would like to sincerely thank so many organizations, churches, parents and resident volunteers, teachers and staff, who have tirelessly worked to achieve the success of the Referendum. We would like to especially thank all those retired teachers in Brown County who dared to knock hundreds of doors, rain or shine, and the League of Women Voters Brown County and Brown County Democrat who have objectively opened the opportunities for the issues of Referendum to be shared throughout the community. And we truly thank our dearest Superintendent Ms. Emily Tracy who has not spent a day, for the last two years in total, without working for her goal, along with Jamie Johann Co-PAC chair and Amy Oliver who have led our PAC gang as an organized and invincible army. And our Brown County PTOs and their incessant work and support on and off the street, and most of all, again, you our beloved Brown County people, who truly have shown your spirit of sacrifice in lending your generous hands and hearts to our precious children and their teachers to hump over that could-be disastrous outcome, turning all into the blessings for next eight years of growth in promise!! We will do our best to show our all appreciation to our sponsors, donors, and supporters for 2024 PTO Concert and this Referendum in our best efforts, hearts and gratitude.


Clara Stanley

PAC Fundraiser Chair

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