Nashville woman celebrates 102 birthday


Nashville woman Wilma Pittman is turning 102-years old on Saturday.

Born on June 22, 1922 one-mile outside of Nashville on Old State Road 46, Pittman has lived in Brown County her entire life. She has lived in the same four-room farmhouse since 1941 and worked many different jobs in the community including in a factory, decorating and selling wedding cakes and as a pianist.

She also volunteered as a pianist, election inspector and in various churches from the 1950s through the 1980s.

Pittman’s daughter Brenda Harvey describes her as a jack of all trades, she enjoys crocheting, knitting, sewing, quilting, cake baking and decorating and playing both the piano and organ. She also has three other children, one of which she raised while her husband was serving as a Marine during World War II.

Pittman has six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren.

“She has always been very emotionally stable,” Harvey said. “She takes things as they come. She has been through trials and tragedies all throughout her life— many of them. She has a lot of stability and doesn’t complain. She’s the best mom anyone could ever ask for. She was raised in a Christian home and went to church all her life. She grew up during the Great Depression, she was seven years old when it started. She’s been through a lot of changes throughout the years. Being a Christian, having a relationship with God has gotten her through the trials during her life.”

Harvey decribed Pittman as a Proverbs 31 woman. Proverbs 31 is a verse in the Bible that describes a woman of strength, dignity, valor and courage and offers guidance on how to be a noble wife.

When asked how she wanted to spend her birthday, Pittman said that she just wants people to be there. The family is planning on having a family reunion with birthday cake to surround her with loved ones and celebrate the special day.

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