Where’s There: Where’s Dakota this week?


Howdy, Brown County! I am back with an all new location this week.

Who has two thumbs, and likes pretty stones? This girl… no? OK, I’ll admit that joke might be a little outdated, but living like a prospector sure isn’t. They had the right idea with their long beards, floppy hats and ceremonious jigs when they struck big. Even if I’m basing my idea of a prospector off of cartoons, that could still be you.

If you’re looking for a fun family adventure and want to pan for minerals like the miners of yore, this place is a must-stop.

Panning through creeks and rivers runs through our veins. Flecks of gold have been found in the streams and rivers of Brown County for well more than a hundred years.

Wading through water and dirt to find stones, fossils and minerals might not be the same as finding gold, but it will still give you a rush— no pun intended.

Think you know where I am? Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office with your guess in-person. The correct guesser wins their own copy of 175 Years of Brown County. (And in the case of more than one corret guess, we go to our super-duper tiebreaker method!)

A special thanks to our one correct guess from last week, you have a remarkable place in my heart! Without further ado, this week’s winner is Pam Hochstetler. Congratulations, Pam! Feel free to stop by our office during regular hours (M-F, 9-4) to grab your copy of 175 Years of Brown County and get a photo with me. We are out and about a lot, so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) to make sure I’m here!

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