Brownie: Back with a new case


Good job, Brown County. You’re keeping the hardest-working P.I. in southern Indiana busy!

This week we got a question from Janis Shaffer.


Could you find out the status of sections 2 and 3 of the Salt Creek Trail? Section 3 is finished but the entrance to it is blocked off in the State Park and overgrown with weeds in the access on the west end. Would love to use that section!

Also, what is the status on connecting the 2 sections of the trail?

You ask, I’ll get the answer, Janis!

That’s the way this gig works. Doesn’t matter what the question is, your man Brownie is on the job. Well, OK, I said doesn’t matter … but hey, this is a family newspaper. Know what I mean?

So Janis, Brownie donned the Fedora, snapped the brim and found Eli Major – the smartest Interpretive Naturalist I know. OK, couple of things – I got a little carried away there. Brownie will try to stop referring to himself in third person … dang it, did it again! And got to admit, my collection of Interpretive Naturalists isn’t very extensive.

Nevertheless! Here’s what Eli had to say!

“I found a page describing the project on the Brown County Parks and Recreation website. In Brown County State Park, there is currently a section of The Salt Creek Trail that approaches the Olympic pool near the North Gate. It features an iron truss bridge that was moved here from Indiana 46 near Bowling Green, Indiana. The park currently has it blocked off because our section of trail doesn’t connect to anything, it just stops in the middle of the woods on an overgrown road. It will eventually continue west and connect with the rest of the trail that goes downtown. I unfortunately do not know the timeline of trail completion. None of the remaining sections to be built are on state park property.”

What a great answer, Eli! Good job!

Janis, I hope that settles the case for you.

And everyone else, hey keep a guy busy, will ya! I’m here just waiting on the next case! Let Dakota and the good folks in the newsroom know and they’ll get me the message. Email [email protected] with whatever it is you want to know. I’m your man!

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