Where’s There: A sudsy twist

Hey Brown County, It’s your eager excursionist— one day I will run out of synonyms and that will be a fateful day, but for now you’re stuck with me as your walking thesaurus.

For those familiar with the area between the health department, YMCA and Willow Manor senior apartments, this location will be easy. I recently spent way too much time here cleaning my car, it had been neglected for far too long. I scored big time when I found coupons I had forgotten about… too bad they expired in 2017.

Salt packets, straws, scratched sunglasses and wait for it… CDs. I know, I know, don’t start clutching your pearls now.

I popped one into the player and was jamming out to the greatest hits of the early 2000s. There’s nothing as dramatic as starting over a song on CD after it passes your favorite part.

My car needing therapy after dealing with me aside, I’m back to ask you where’s there, Brown County?

Think you know where I am? Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office with your guess in-person. One lucky person will be chosen at random to win a personal copy of 175 Years of Brown County.

If you smell burning, it’s because our winner for the week Trisha Fobes is on fire! Congratulations, Trisha!

A special thank you to our other four correct guesses, Red Nastoff, Pam Hochstetler, Sharon Roth and Ross Moore. You guys always keep up entertained over here at the Democrat— as if Brown County isn’t interesting enough!

You know the drill by now, but feel free to stop by our office during regular hours to grab your copy of 175 Years of Brown County and get a photo with me. We are out and about a lot, so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) to make sure I’m here!