Reader says he’s tired of talk — wants to ditch Clark


As the election for county commissioner approaches, it is vital to scrutinize not just the promises of candidates but their actual alignment with our community’s values and their ability to deliver on those promises. Tim J. Clark’s campaign, running under the Republican banner, starkly contrasts with the values of the local GOP and fails to present a credible path forward.

Clark’s extensive experience in quality management with the federal government highlights his ability to identify issues, but as shown in his own social media platforms, he consistently fails to provide actionable solutions. His proposals are replete with generalities and devoid of concrete steps.

Take, for instance, his stance on the county comprehensive plan. Clark continues to lobby for a community-driven approach, yet this issue is already being addressed by the Planning Commission, which is actively interviewing companies to help formulate the plan. Clark’s insistence on this topic amounts to beating a dead horse and showcases his lack of awareness or acknowledgment of ongoing efforts. This misalignment raises serious questions about his understanding of current county initiatives and his ability to contribute meaningfully.

Similarly, his views on road and bridge management and affordable housing are littered with vague promises rather than detailed plans. He emphasizes the importance of communication and transparency but fails to provide clear strategies or budget plans necessary for maintaining and improving our infrastructure. His stance on affordable housing highlights systemic issues without proposing any concrete policies or initiatives, leaving us to wonder how he intends to address these critical challenges.

What further undermines Clark’s credibility is his approach to public discourse. His social media platforms are notorious for stifling dissent. Clark routinely blocks comments, deletes posts, and bans those who offer differing opinions. This suppression of feedback is in direct contradiction to his claims of supporting transparency and open dialogue. His personal website, under the banner of “Independent Voters of Brown County,” similarly refuses to allow any meaningful interaction or feedback, creating an echo chamber where only his views are validated.

Clark’s history of causing turmoil and negativity toward our elected officials is well-documented. In his eyes, no one can lead but him. A prime example is the Stellar Grant, where he influenced Ron Sanders to single-handedly vote no, effectively killing any chance to further investigate how $12 million could benefit Brown County. Why wouldn’t Tim want to explore using such a substantial sum to improve our community? This kind of obstructionism is detrimental and showcases his inability to collaborate and consider the broader interests of the county.

Additionally, Clark has stated that if elected, he will repeal the new ORV ordinance, which directly undermines what the community strongly supports. This implies a dictatorial methodology where if he doesn’t like something, his voice alone should be the final decisive factor.

Clark’s criticisms of the local political system as a one-party monopoly contributing to fear, corruption, and inefficiencies might resonate with valid concerns. However, his own practices are a severe contradiction to the values he criticizes. By attacking fellow Republicans and positioning himself against the local GOP, he undermines the party’s principles of accountability, transparency, and effective governance. His actions reveal a disturbing disconnect between his rhetoric and his practices.

If the local GOP stands for core principles of effective leadership, transparency, and accountability, how can they support Tim Clark as a commissioner? Clark’s campaign, marked by its lack of actionable solutions and hostile approach to differing viewpoints, is a betrayal of these values. His failure to offer concrete plans and his penchant for stifling open discussion demonstrate that he does not embody the principles we need in our leaders.

As voters, we must choose a candidate who not only articulates clear, actionable plans but also aligns with our community’s values. For these reasons, I am not voting straight Republican. I urge the public to seek an alternative candidate who may not be a Republican but at least better aligns with the general views of the Republican Party. Greg Taggart seems to be a perfect fit.

Tired of talk, let’s ditch Clark! Let’s make a choice that reflects our commitment to principled governance and meaningful progress. Vote for a candidate who will truly serve our interests and uphold the values of our community, I support and will vote Greg Taggart!


Paul Hazelwood

Brown County Resident

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