Hoosier Artist Gallery features Henry Leck and Joanne Shank


Hoosier Artist Gallery features the art of Henry Leck and Joanne Shank during the month of August.

Leck paints in oils his favorite subjects of landscapes, water, clouds, barns, and trees. He began his career as an artist after retiring as a conductor and music professor and moving to Bloomington. Expression in the arts has been his lifelong passion for Leck.

Shank loves painting with the seasons with each season revealing to her new aspects of nature’s beauty. She paints local birds, flowers, and vegetation in watercolors. She also creates greeting cards and handpainted silk scarves.

Their art and the work of other members of the gallery is available for viewing from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at 45 S. Jefferson St. in Nashville. The public is invited to an Art Walk event on Friday, Aug. 23 from 4 to 7 p.m.

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