We Care Gang: Who they are and what they do


Kudos go out to the “We Care Gang” in Brown County. They recently “stepped-up-to-the plate” and assisted one of our veterans with aid and financial assistance during their time of need.

The “We Care Gang’s” mission is to provide emergency assistance with food, shelter, health and basic living needs for needy persons living in Brown County.

The We Care Gang is a small, local 501(c)3 non-profit organization that focuses on needs that often fall between the cracks of other traditional organizations with a special emphasis on families, children and the elderly. As examples, short term assistance for heating, utility, medical needs, housing needs, basic living needs, etc. Assistance amounts are generally in the $300 to $500 range, but can be larger depending on the individual situation and board approval.

The WCG does not respond to direct requests from, or provide money directly to, any individuals, but instead relies on referrals from trusted community leaders and organizations with a direct knowledge of each specific situation and the need’s validity. If assistance is granted, the WCG pays the provider of the services or need directly- as an example, an elderly person cannot afford propane for heating and has run out – WCG would pay the propane supplier for the gas to be delivered to the needy person. The group is small with no paid positions, so their overhead is generally limited to the cost of liability insurance and their post office box. This allows most of every dollar of donation to be used for direct assistance to the needy.

Again “thank you” to the We Care Gang and the support they have provided to veterans of Brown County.

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