Writer says: Thank you, Joe



Humility. How refreshing. Is it wise that we elect government officials that do not possess this quality? Humility is the result of accepting the truth that the world does not revolve around you. Humility is often the fruit of coming to the end of oneself and letting go.

Joe Biden gave us a beautiful moment that placed country before ego or personal legacy. Say what you want about his politics, but anyone who serves in a job for 50 years deserves a thank you.

Today “old white guys” seem to be the bad guys. No doubt, some of them have been absolutely terrible! Trust me, God knows who those guys are. But many have also built this country and shared their success by founding hospitals, universities, and non-profits.

When my father returned from Vietnam, after being drafted, there were no thank you’s for his service. He was a 20-year-old new father and I had been born 3 days before they flew him to the frontlines to fight a war no one can understand even to this day.

Last year, a few months before he died, he told me what happened in Nam. It was horrific and we wept together. This summer I was back in school with nuns from Vietnam who became good friends.

How crazy is this world and how will the march of time change everything you believe today tomorrow?

America, when someone serves our country as faithfully as they know how, we need to say thank you. Thank you, Joe.

Andrea Replogle


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