Reader Says Trump and Project 2025 Disastrous



On July 11, 2024, the New York Times editorial board wrote that Trump is ‘unfit to lead’ our country. “Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people.”

Their statements capture the man, but project 2025 encapsulates what this man and the conservative movement might do.

Project 2025 is a compilation of agenda items written by over 100 conservative organizations that layout a blueprint for the Republican administration. While Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, his ties to the Heritage Foundation and their mission are well documented.

Republicans claim to want to minimize the role of the federal government, but Trump and Project 2025 want to empower the Executive Branch, establishing the framework for a more autocratic power. Select laws would allow supervision over the Department of Justice and the ability to replace administrators with Trump loyalists. Separation of power into executive, legislative and judicial branches is an essential component to our constitution that provides for “checks and balances” and must be maintained.

Trump and Project 2025 will destabilize the world with a lack of support for our European allies and NATO and support for the aggressor nations like Russia. NATO is a blueprint for world peace where all nations participate in a common a goal of peace and well-being, and the U.S. should strive to offer more support, and to support the inclusion of more nations. Project 2025 endorses a build-up of nuclear weapons, a move that would lead to escalation not de-escalation of tensions across the planet.

At home, Project 2025 would scale back or undo initiatives to combat climate change by promoting oil and gas drilling on public lands, restricting the EPA’s ability to target polluters and eliminating agencies that monitor climate change. Trump has said he will eliminate the electric vehicle mandate on day 1, voicing his disregard for what the world knows; that burning fossil fuel is the primary cause of climate change and that moving toward renewable energy resources is a required step to prevent climate disasters.

Republicans always push for lowered taxes, at least for the wealthy. In recent times, the greatest increase in the national debit has been during the administrations of Reagan, the Bushes and Trump. Reduced taxes on the wealthy only help the wealthy.

Personal freedoms are on the chopping block. Project 2025 wants to dictate conservative values rather than allow a diverse citizenry to make their own choices. Project 2025 wants to restrict women’s rights by banning all abortions and abortion pills, criminalizing those that give and receive reproductive health care, and eliminating contraceptives and in vitro fertilization. Discriminating against individuals by refusing to recognize and accept that gender is fluid and eliminating regulations that protect LGBTQ individuals are additional 2025 policies. Reduced funding for public education, restrictions on what is discussed and taught, and undermining voters’ rights are all significant policy changes with Project 2025.

Our pledge of allegiance states “with liberty and justice for all.” Project 2025 does not endorse this pledge. This is not legislation for the people and by the people.

Scott Mills


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