FINE PRINT Police Stories


Man charged with felonies for drug related charges and resisting law enforcement

NASHVILLE – A 52-year-old Nashville man Kelly Lee Haines has been charged with two level 6 felonies for possession of methamphetamine and resisting law enforcement. He has also been charged with a class A misdemeanor for possession of a controlled substance and a class B misdemeanor for possession of marijuana.

On Aug. 9 Sheriff’s Deputy Cody Loncaric was driving on Ford Ridge Road behind a motorcycle that made an improper pass around the van in front of it by following too closely, failing to signal a pass and passing on a hill where the opposite lane of traffic was not in view. The driver was later identified as Haines.

According to the report, Loncaric initiated emergency lights and drove around the van attempting to catch up to Haines to conduct a traffic stop. Haines allegedly failed to stop and continued driving to Three Notch Road where he turned left. Loncaric initiated the sirens and Haines continued to drive, eventually Haines slowed to approximately 10 miles an hour but continued driving before he sped back up to approximately 20 miles per hair.

According to the report, Loncaric used the public announcement speaker to tell Haines to pull the vehicle over and he failed to stop. The report says that Haines pulled over into a driveway in the 5700 block of Three Notch Road.

Loncaric exited the vehicle with his handgun drawn and initiated a felony stop, he told Haines to raise his hands and get off of the motorcycle. Haines allegedly complied and also faced away from Loncaric with his hands up while walking to the front of the police vehicle. Loncaric allegedly told Haines to get on his knees with his hands behind his head before he placed Haines in handcuffs and conducted an arrest search.

While conducting the search he located a gray cylindrical container with a twisting lid that held a bag containing a white crystal-like substance that was later confirmed to be methamphetamine.

He also allegedly noticed the odor of alcohol emanating from Haines’ breath, Haines told him he had a couple of drinks approximately two hours prior.

According to the report, Haines took a preliminary breath test at Brown County Jail and registered a reading of .009. Haines allegedly said he fled the scene because he was afraid police would impound the motorcycle.

Sheriff’s Deputy Jeffrey Dames conducted a search on the motorcycle and reported that Haines told him that he would find marijuana on the bike. According to the report, Dames located two bags filled with dried mushrooms, a bag containing a leafy plant-like substance, a grinder containing a small amount of green leafy plant-like substance inside as well as brown residue.

Morgantown woman charged for invasion of privacy and trespassing

MORGANTOWN – A 56-year-old Morgantown woman Janice Mitchell has been charged with four class A misdemeanors for two counts of invasion of privacy and two counts of criminal trespass.

According to the report, on or around Aug. 4 Mitchell knowingly went onto her neighbors property although Mitchell and her neighbors Thomas Brunson and Betty Flagle have a no contact order in place.

The protective order was served by Bailiff Michael Fouch on July 19 and it prohibits harassing, annoying, telephoning, contacting or directly or indirectly communicating with the petitioner.

On Aug. 7 Sheriff’s Deputy Oliver Hitz spoke with Brunson and Flagle and they provided him with photos of Mitchell on their property taking photos of a white trellis in their yard. According to the report they also provided a video of Mitchell walking around in that area of the yard.

On Aug. 13 Sheriff’s Deputy Jacob Gibson spoke with Brunson who reported that Mitchell was allegedly trespassing on his property again. He also provided Gibson with photos of Mitchell walking along his wood line.

Freetown woman charged for operating a vehicle while intoxicated

COLUMBUS – A 31-year-old Freetown woman Ashley Page has been charged with three level 6 felonies for operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person, operating a vehicle while intoxicated and operating a vehicle with a schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the blood.

On Jan.1 Patrolman Heath Young and Sheriff’s Deputy Jeffrey Dames responded to an address in the 6500 block of Becks Grove Road for reports of a motor vehicle accident with injuries. According to the report, when Dames arrived on the scene driver Ashley Page had a broken ankle and possibly a broken jaw.

According to the report, Page advised that she fell asleep while driving home from Indianapolis and drove off the side of the road. According to the report, Dames was advised by Brown County Dispatch that Page had a previous conviction for driving while under the influence in 2021. Dames allegedly asked one of the EMTs on scene to advise him if they could smell alcohol once they got Page in the sterile ambulance.

Page allegedly told the EMTs that she used methamphetamines approximately one hour before the crash. According to the report, Dames entered the ambulance and asked Page if she had taken anything that day and she advised that she smoked methamphetamine around two hours before the crash.

Page was then transported to Columbus Regional Hospital where they retrieved two vials of blood.

According to the report, Page was previously convicted of the offense of operating a vehicle with an ACE of .15 or more within 7 years in Johnson County court on Aug. 15, 2022. ___________________________________________________________________

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