OSBA reserve world champion got start as Brown County 4-her


Brown County 4-Her Bandy Russel went back to her 4-H roots of showing horses in 2010. In July, she won the reserve world champion title at the 2024 International Buckskin Horse Association World Show in Cloverdale with horse MK Jackie Be Smart, or Kansas by his unofficial name. The world champion title went to 14-year-old Kylie Birkemeyer whom Russel trained.

Russel grew up in Brown County where she spent 10 years of her young life showing animals in the Brown County 4-H fair. From 1986 to 1990 she focused on showing mules and from 1991 to 1996 she showed both horses and mules. After a hiatus, Russel bought a horse in 2010 and participated in her first competition in 2012 which amplified her love for horse shows.

One of her favorite parts of showing horses involves gauging what the horse is capable of in practice and attempting to perform it in front of an audience. She said that is the main way she has improved and grown.

She bought her most recent horse Kansas, who got his unofficial name from his Kansas origins in 2022, sight-unseen.

“A lot of people will start off with the bloodlines, I’m not that person,” Russel said. “Even if it’s in a picture or in person, whatever you have to work with, it’s just whenever you feel that connection. I think if you have that connection and communication, you should be able to ask that horse to give him your best and he will give it. They want to do for you if they have that trust and connection. Will they make a great show horse? Some of that goes back to the breeding and what they are bred for versus what you’re asking them to do. You’ve got to try. You try different things to see what they’re good at. It’s like a kid growing up, they need to try different avenues that spark their interest. I figure out what they’re good at and if that’s in alignment with what my goals are.”

Russel bought two of her three horses online based on a connection she felt to them through photos, she said each of them stood out to her for varying reasons.

Russel participates in in-hand class halter which focuses on how a horse is built; lunge line that shows off their walk, trot and canter; and in-hand trail which involves leading, obstacles, control, gate maneuvering, crossing poles, backing and trotting. One of her long term goals includes personally training a horse that can cut cows, which is when a rider and horse steer cows away from a herd.

She advises current Brown County 4-Hers to find a mentor that fits their needs.

“Pick your person,” said Russel. “Find someone that you like the way they perform and handle their horse. Find the person that you see doing what you would like to be able to and connect. I don’t have the perfect location, but I’ve been able to make world and reserve world champions from nothing, you don’t have to have everything, a fancy trailer, truck or horse. You just have to want it and follow your wants, dreams and hopes. The 4-H horse and pony numbers have diminished over the years and I think a lot of that is the way the organization handles a lot of things as an upper tier, not the county. It’s not well publicized and you don’t have access to the arena anymore so it makes it very difficult. Take lessons, that’s what I did wrong. I could’ve gained so much more from taking lessons, so now I do them often. I take clinics.”

Russel’s highlights include interacting and seeing people grow at each show. She also sponsors events where she will handmake trophies and gifts for winners including pottery, paintings and other crafts.

“To me, titles are great but it’s the road getting there that matters the most and who you travel it with,” said Russel. “Who you open up your doors to and sharing the memory makers, as I like to call them. You’re going to forget what that ribbon was for unless you write on the back of it down the road, but you’re not going to forget the moments.”

Russel and Kansas’ next show is with the Valley Riders Saddle Club at the Johnson County Fairgrounds scheduled for Sept. 27 and 28.

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