Brownie: On the case of the mysterious crosswalk


What’s a private eye to do?

Us detectives live in the shadows, and it seems like the job is hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. Of course there’s also the thrill that comes with the danger that is part and parcel of a P.I.’s life. I mean, have you ever stared down the barrel of a Saturday Night Special? Well, me neither.

But hey, I digress Brown County. This is Brownie and from the upstairs private office behind frosted glass on a wood frame door that reads Brownie, Private Investigator, I’m back on the case.

This is a question that Chris Eickleberry sent to me.

“To whom do we thank for installing the crosswalk at the Brown County Inn at the State Road 135 and 46 intersections? That’s a dangerous place to cross, so we really needed the crosswalk.”

Truer words have never been spoken my friend. I was out for a stroll and tried crossing the road there — and whoa! What an experience. (Hey, know why Brownie crossed the road? To get to the other side, silly!)

Anyways (and more on this specific word later), ol’ Brownie reached out to Sidney Nierman, Public Relations Director for the southeast Indiana office of the Indiana Department of Transportation. Sidney explained it all.

”The improved safety changes implemented at the intersection of State Road 46 and State Road 135 in Nashville are a result of coordination between INDOT and the Town of Nashville. Both parties continue to work toward properly accommodating pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the area as well as enhancing the overall safety in Nashville.”

Sidney said the project began in March and is wrapping up, but a few punch list items are still being completed. The project is part of a $1.3 million contract awarded to Ragle, Inc. and is part of Indiana’s Highway Safety Improvement Program.

So there you go, Chris! Hope that answers your question — and many thanks from Brownie for asking!

Do you have a burning question you want to put Brownie on? Just email me at [email protected] and I’ll jump right on it!

OK, back on the word “anyways.” One reader sent Brownie this note.

“Please goggle or use the dictionary for the correct use of the word “anyway.” There is no “s”. I noted with dismay your use of the word as “anyways.” That is incorrect. Please do not take my word for it and I ask again that you research the word. Thank you.”

First off, thanks for the note! And so sorry — but back in school Brownie was paying more attention to fast cars and hot … well, let’s just leave it at fast cars. The proper use of the Queen’s English (or is it the king?) was never my strong suit. Besides, I grew up reading a lot of Kin Hubbard and Abe Martin. Talk about a departure from the ol’ Funk & Wagnalls! Tell you what though — I’ll try to do better, but you try not to get your hopes up too much. Fair deal?

Got a question for Brownie? The Brown County Democrat’s private sleuth is always on the job. Formally known as the Brown County Connection, “Brownie” takes your question and goes straight to the source for the answer. All you have to do is send an email to Brownie in care of the Democrat’s newsroom – [email protected]. Then be sure to read the Democrat! Why? Because Brownie gets answers!

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