Where’s There: Life by the lake smells sweet


Hey Brown County! It’s your knock-kneed navigator, wait… that’s not right. It’s your noteworthy navigator… that’s more like it!

Brown County summers are known for the sunshine, mourning dove coos, shirts stained with local ice cream and lake life…a lifestyle this company knows year-round. This company also knows its way around soy wax and fragrance oils — hint, hint. Visiting the shop is an adventure of its own, located on South Old School Way it’s off the beaten path of State Road 135.

I personally love it when my house smells like baked goods and fresh foods — I’ve even started making the office smell like pumpkin waffles, fall is going to be a nightmare. Unless you want to be bathed in the scents of a cornucopia, I would avoid the office at all costs once October hits. Whether you want to make your space smell sweet or savory, this shop can help you find the scent that smells like home.

Think you know where I am this week? Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office with your guess in-person. When there is more than one guess, a person is chosen at random to win their very own copy of 175 Years of Brown County.

Last week we received correct guesses from Brooke Hertz, Sharon Roth and Kay Bottomley that I was at the Nashville General Store, Thanks for playing along, you guys! While you are all winners to me, there can only be one. This might be the most high stakes competition of your life … drum roll please, our winner from last week is Sharon Roth! Congratulations, Sharon!

Feel free to stop by our office during regular hours (M-F, 9-5) to pick up your copy of 175 Years of Brown County and get a photo taken with me. We are out and about a lot, so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) to make sure I’m here!

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