Brownie: The scoop on pickleball courts

Humphrey Bogart once said, “the problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” Of course he also said that “the only point in making money is you can tell some big shot where to go.”

Ah, I miss Bogie.

But it was his roles as Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe that inspired me to become a P.I., so here’s looking at you, kid. And here’s especially looking at someone who wanted to be anonymous with her question about the new pickleball courts at the State Park.

Here’s what she wrote:

Hey Brownie,

What’s going on with the Brown County State Park’s new pickleball courts? Why build new courts instead of repairing the run-down tennis courts that we already have? Will these replace the tennis courts as a combination of pickleball and tennis, or will they be separate? How much is this construction costing the taxpayers of this community?

An apprehensive resident

Well “Apprehensive,” Brownie jumped on the case faster than a bookie drawn to the inside dope on a pony at Churchill Downs. Cue in Eli Major, the Brown County State Park naturalist and media contact.

“We’re not abandoning the tennis court area, it’s still a good spot for pickleball. The tennis court had certainly fallen into a little bit of disrepair. It’s kind of the chicken or the egg thing whether it got that way because people weren’t wanting to use it and giving us feedback on it, or using it less because it was in disrepair, but in any case the vast majority of our public feedback regarding the tennis courts is suggesting that they would prefer pickleball court access in the park. The site of the current tennis court will become at least a partial pickleball court, I am not sure whether we are leaving a tennis court or not, or whether they are just doing half of it or the whole thing. The reason they are using the tennis courts is because they already have a cultivated surface, so that means the overall cost of the project is much lower than creating new courts on bare dirt somewhere else. The other is simply because of demand, pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and we are getting much more volumes of questions and comments about pickleball rather than tennis. For the pickleball court, the vast majority of funding is either from the Friends of Brown County State Park or the Community Foundation.”

Well done, Eli. And thanks for helping this mug out so we could get Miss Apprehensive her answer.

As for the rest of youse, got some burning issue or question you need an answer to. Email Brownie at [email protected].