Letter to the editor: Paul Hazelwood

Letter to the Editor:

In response to the recent calls to remove Mark Bowman as Chairman of the Brown County Republican Party, I feel it’s important to offer a clearer perspective on this situation, particularly when it comes to Tim Clark’s candidacy.

First and foremost, Tim Clark does not represent the core values of the local Republican Party. He runs a blog labeled Independent Voters of Brown County IN, which makes it clear that his true political leanings lie outside the Republican Party. This is a classic example of a “Republican In Name Only” (RINO). If Clark really aligned with the GOP, why would he run an independent blog that undermines the very party he claims to represent?

Clark’s stance on local issues also raises concerns. He consistently opposes economic development and tourism, both of which are essential to Brown County’s prosperity. In fact, Clark has repeatedly stated in public meetings that Brown County is not a tourism county. Anyone who’s walked the streets of Nashville on a busy day can see how central tourism is to our community. His stance is not just misguided—it’s completely out of touch with the reality of what makes our local economy thrive. Why should we support a candidate who dismisses the very thing that supports our local businesses?

The controversy around the Lincoln Day Dinner is another point that deserves clarification. I attended the dinner with my wife, and it was a fantastic event. I don’t know the true details, but Tim Clark’s “exclusion” wasn’t about Tim Clark—it was about protecting the integrity of the Republican Party. How can we justify supporting a candidate at a Republican event when that individual does not support the values that the local GOP stands for? Why would he even want to attend an event that doesn’t align with his political views? Personally, I’m glad he didn’t attend. It was an evening meant to support the local GOP, not a stage for Clark’s ego, self-praising and attention-seeking antics to take center stage.

Yes, Tim Clark won the primary—but let’s not forget it was a very close vote. The slim margin can likely be attributed to the smear campaign Clark and his supporters ran against Mr. Pittman. Instead of winning voters with real solutions, Clark relied on negative tactics to edge out the victory. That’s not the kind of leadership we need in Brown County.

Now, let’s address Rich Stanley. Who is Rich? I haven’t seen him at any Republican events, county meetings or town halls. Rich, are you even a Republican—or a “RINO” in hiding as well? It’s easy for a keyboard warrior like yourself to hide behind the screen and take potshots at someone rather than actually take action, participate, interact, or simply be involved. It’s obvious you’ve never met the Bowmans, or you’d have written the same type of letter against Tim Clark.

Mark Bowman, on the other hand, has stood up when so many others hide, taking criticism on the chin while continuing to put in tremendous effort to improve our community. He’s worked tirelessly to support local businesses and promote tourism—initiatives that have made our county stronger year after year. Maybe, Rich, you could follow suit and get involved? Attacking someone who has been a staunch advocate for our community simply makes no sense. Tim Clark’s smear campaign, which helped him win the primary, shows a lack of integrity and solutions. Instead of working toward progress, he’s constantly tearing down what our GOP leaders have built.

In the end, Tim Clark’s campaign is nothing more than an opportunistic attempt to ride the coattails of the GOP without genuinely standing for what we believe in. Mark Bowman, through his dedication and service, has shown that he is the right person to lead our party. It’s time to stand behind those who support Brown County, not those who undermine it.


Paul Hazelwood
