Reader does reversal on commissioner candidacy


I am about to make a small but special confession for my friends in Brown County. Very recently, I was involved with an individual who made me “gullible” by a series of lies. The victims already included quite a few people and the entire organization. This incident, on the other hand, has led me to a conscience-stricken reflection, where I was “horrified” by all the “wrong” perceptions I have carried against those victims, all tainted and damaged by the untruthful information I have been influenced by.

I fiercely fought against Tim Clark for Referendum, firmly believing he was against it. So, I started convincing people to vote against him through primary election until recently. However, thanks to my hard-headed husband, I agreed to attend his fundraiser in early September, which has changed much of the trajectory of my opinion. I asked Tim if he is against schools, against Music Center, against growth of businesses, and even asked if he has ever shopped in Brown County because he had been perceived as a Brown County hater. My discovery was “No” to all those questions.

After hard-won Referendum in May, I have started attending government meetings, not to repeat any future failure, and learned many issues our county is struggling with. On top of CVB vs. CVC issue, I saw with my own eyes that our government employees were screaming for wage increase where county has already $20 million of debt to pay. It looks like there were always “surprises” for capital projects and there was no budget set up for it. It was just obvious our county is having problems in financial accountability and transparency that result from the lack of internal controls in its system. Jim Kemp, one of council members, was the only voice addressing these issues, and I also sadly witnessed he was, more often than not, brutally shut down, scorned and ridiculed. And wow…there are so many agenda to follow up. How are you going to track all these important and pending issues without proper documentation? I also saw a budget coming with lack of itemized list, and who can approve it? Will you?

I have been friends to the most of the commissioner candidates except Tim Clark. I simply did not care for him with all the negative rumors and opinions about him. However, at this point, I would like to tell you that Tim Clark can be a great candidate for commissioner our county has been looking for. I have been asking him so many questions for many hours since early September, and he answered every single one with his full knowledge and clear viewpoints. He even helped me track down all the past records of CVB vs CVC issues, which is being enormously helpful. He has vast and in-depth knowledge of the past and current county issues after attending all the commissioners and council meetings for last several years, not missing a single one if I am correct. I do really like and respect all my other candidate friends, however, have to wonder who can compete with him in this one area-understanding county issues in details. Being a commissioner is not just to show up and make it through. You got to know what’s going on with its full ins and out. That’s the significant weight of responsibility that can’t be achieved overnight. I clearly and objectively observed this from last Saturday candidate forum where Tim Clark was definitely being the winner of the debates. He was just incomparable if you were there, listening with your eyes and heart. I am simply telling you the facts, folks. No more no less.

In my strongest conviction, Ten Commandments are the most important historical momentum in human history. In this upcoming month of October, I would like to sincerely suggest, my dear friends, you revisit those standing life principles, reflecting how much we and our Nation are being deviated from it. We all can be “opinionated” and are definitely influenced by those we trust. Yet, please never ever endorse anything or anyone without verifying with your hands and feet. At least, please do not repeat my grave mistakes. At the end, I am responsible, none of any false information. Same way, I truly and sincerely urge my dear folks to get involved with county and town governments. You can’t complain when you don’t participate. We need “layers of county and town watchdogs” so no important agenda is pushed under the rugs without being fully discussed by the public. So, hello, this is my small confession to make with you. I do hope more people can also join this small but meaningful endeavor for this upcoming election season, to stay objective and fair in all circumstances, and to restore the honesty and integrity back to our village and nation.

Correction of info: CVB Community Roundtable is going to happen on Thursday Oct. 3, starting at 8:30 a.m. all day till 7:30 p.m., held at 90-minute intervals, at Seasons’ Conference Center. Deadline for registration was by Monday, but just SHOW UP. No one will block you from attending it.

Clara Stanley

Brown County resident