Spooky story deadline lurking

There are only nine more days to enter your masterpiece into the Brown County Democrat’s second annual Halloween short story contest. The deadline is Friday, Oct. 18, and as the greats always say, the first step of winning is trying … or something like that.

The rules for the contest are simple: keep the stories under 750 words and make them your own. To enter, simply send us your short story in the body of an email to [email protected] — no attachments please.

You have great ideas, and we can’t wait to read them — as long as they are under the word count and true to you. Take a page from ol’ Herman Melville, who said, “it’s better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

Except there will be no failing here! The brains in Brown County are too ingenious for that. This community is whimsical enough for a whole tome of stories — so dust off the quill and get to writing. There also needs to be a Brown County connection — think the mysterious orb that swallowed Nashville, or a giant praying mantis lurking beneath the county’s covered bridges. Surely a more captivating or spellbinding idea will come to you in the dead of night. (It won’t take much to beat those ideas.)

All stories will be judged by a panel of journalists and a published author, and if your entry is chosen, you must provide us with a photo, brief bio and permission to publish your story.

It’s the final countdown, so get those pencils scribbling and keyboards clacking … if you dare! Last one to enter is a rotten pumpkin!