Oh, the horror! Scary story deadline nears

The end is near … for your chance to enter the Brown County Democrat’s Halloween short story contest, that is. The deadline for your stories is Oct. 18.

Roll up those sleeves, dust off the quill and get those thoughts flowing. Like Louis L’Amour always said, “The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on”, and we are trying to flood the streets of Brown County with your clever and original ideas.

To enter the contest, simply send us the stories in the body of an email to [email protected] — no attachments, please! We cannot the risk the horrors of what lurks within email attachments.

The stories must be 750 words or less — as much as we would love to read your novels, if Franz Kafka could keep his flash fiction under 200 words, we can all keep our stories under 800!

They also must be your original work. The Law of Conservation of Mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed — but for the purpose of this contest? It can.

The last stipulation is that the short story needs a Brown County connection — give us the gigantic, malodorous sea monster that terrorizes Ogle Lake or a parasite from Outer Space that implants itself in the brains of Brown Countians and makes them vigorously Macarena through Nashville’s town square. Hopefully you have better ideas. (It would not be hard to.)

There is an obvious reason we are asking you to write the stories and not opening the contest to the newsroom.