This is the time of the year when the Brown County forests transform into a full kaleidoscope of brilliant colors; vibrant yellows, crimson reds, lime greens and burnt siennas adorn the landscape.

It has been said that “nature is the art of God”.

October is the month that fully exhibits that beauty.

Coinciding with this autumnal splendor is one artist who matches the beauty of the outside with strokes from her paint brush intrinsically moving across a canvas.

Dixie Ferrer is a local artist who resides in a charming cottage and studio located just outside of town perched on a tree-lined ridge.

Dixie originally is from Indianapolis, where she started her career as a professional artist and teacher.

Over 35 years ago, she bought a small weekend cottage in Brown County and, in her words, “I forgot to go home”.

She met and married fellow artist Dick Ferrer and they moved full time to the Art Colony of Brown County.

Upon the passing of her husband, Dick, and the closing of her gallery downtown, she settled into her 10 acres of woods along with her cats, art studio and love for nature.

Dixie is a member of the Brown County Art Guild and has open houses for her artwork and other artists by appointment at her studio (4108 Yellowwood Road).


Award-winning and well-known artist Jeff Hagen is the man behind the series, “Uptown Downtown, All Around Brown.” He is interested in keeping the arts alive. Hagen is a watercolor artist in the Brown County Art Guild and The Art Farm and a best-selling author of six books. His book “Hiawatha Passing” was recognized by the New York Times in the top 10 children’s books of the year. Hagen was also a teacher for 32 years. He taught art for people in kindergarten through college and currently volunteers teaching.