Where’s there?

Howdy, Brown County! It’s your persistent passenger back with a new location for the week. Now, I may be biased — I definitely am toward this particular hobby — but this building, located on Locust Lane behind the government offices, is simply a structure to house other worlds, identities, ideas and journeys.

In science, ideas are not proven but are instead accepted or rejected … but deep within these walls, ideas create worlds. Ever since childhood, I have been an avid reader. If a book isn’t in my hand, it’s most likely in the car waiting for the moment I can escape all social situations. Not a joke, as a kid I would take at least one book to every family function, just in case the situation arose — now I’m an adult and the habit still hasn’t left me, sorry to my friends and family!

Places like these are some of the last free community resources that are open to all ages. I cannot encourage visiting them enough — especially if you have little ones.

I can remember coming to this place with my mom as a kid, I would leave with stacks of books because I could never narrow down … one cannot simply pin book against book, that’s a form of cruelty in my eyes. Even now, I enjoy strolling through the aisles or looking at the catalog online. I have even used this location as a resource for many of my stories over the past few months.

So, Brown County… where’s there?

Think you know where I am? Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our office with your guess in person. When there is more than one correct guess, a person is chosen at random to win their very own copy of “175 Years of Brown County”.

Last week we had two correct guesses that I was at the Brown County Courthouse from Pam Hochstetler and Chris Eickleberry! Congratulations to our winner … drum roll please, Chris Eickleberry! Feel free to stop by our office, 153 E. Main Street, during regular hours (weekdays, 9-4) to pick up your copy of “175 Years of Brown County” and get a photo taken with me! We are out and about a lot, so you might want to call ahead (988-2221) to make sure I’m here.

Thanks for playing along!