Regional sewer board seeks new member

After 17 years working on the project, Bean Blossom resident Steve Staley has resigned from the Brown County Regional Sewer District Board.

Staley has been a part of efforts to bring a sewer to the Bean Blossom area since residents first formed the Friends of Bean Blossom.

He said he’s been wanting to see someone else step into his role for several years; his work with the sewer district has come at the expense of his personal life and business.

Conflicts within the board were what made the decision for him, Staley said.

Washington Township resident Evan Werling was appointed to the board in January and at the next meeting, was elected to replace Staley as president by a two-to-three vote.

The February and March meeting — as well as intervening weeks — were marked by disagreements between Staley and Werling, with accusations from Werling regarding the effectiveness of Staley’s leadership and from Staley regarding Werling’s qualifications and intentions.

Staley was appointed to the board by the Brown County Council.

Anyone interested in filling his seat may apply by Thursday, April 14, by submitting a letter of intent through the office of Brown County Auditor Beth Mulry. Her office is in the County Office Building at 201 Locust Lane.

The council recommended that applicants request a stamped copy from the auditor’s office as proof of submitting by the deadline.

Applicants also must either appear at the Monday, April 18 county council meeting, or present council President Dave Redding with a valid excuse for being absent, such as a work obligation.