Local business: Working out at the inn

Erica Weddle pauses outside on the back deck of the Brown County Inn, where she hosts some of her yoga sessions. Ben Kibbey

Certified personal trainer Erica Weddle has outgrown the downtown Launch Brown County space where she has conducted fitness classes since December. She has moved her classes and clients to the Brown County Inn.

“By March, I was already close to max, as far as what I could fit in classes,” she said.

The Herring family, who owns the hotel and conference center, was happy to work with Weddle to come up with a space that would fit her expanding classes, she said. Classes are free to inn customers and employees — though she hasn’t had any takers yet in the few weeks she has been at the inn.

The location also works well for access to the Salt Creek Trail, where Weddle works one on one with clients. They work through a set of “stations,” stopping at points to do pushups, squats and calf raises.

“You don’t have to have hand weights or pulleys or something at a gym,” she said. “People can use their own body weight, or things that are around them.”

She demonstrated how a person could use the edge of a counter to knock out a few squats or inclined pushups while waiting on the coffee maker in the morning.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Weddle has a morning yoga class, at 6:45 a.m. It was a time several mothers asked for, when their kids were still in bed.

On Saturdays and Fridays, yoga kicks off at 9 a.m., and there’s also 6:30 p.m. yoga on Thursdays.

Tuesday evenings, Weddle shifts into “boot camp” mode with her students at 6:30 p.m.

Between her classes, she is usually fairly well booked with one-on-one sessions.

Those interested in classes or personal training can contact Weddle at 812-343-3560 or [email protected].