Fine Print: Civil court Dec. 8-13

New suits filed

Dec. 8

Isaac Poff vs. Brandi Poff, dissolution of marriage

Dec. 9

Christian W. Hutchens vs. Lindsey M. Hayworth, domestic relation

Albert Carr vs. Larry Porter, Erie Insurance, civil tort

Robin L. Poling vs. Brian D. Poling, dissolution of marriage

Petitioner/interested person Cynthia Mae Wilhelm in the estate of Albert G. Taylor, unsupervised estate

Angela Lynn Harsch, name change

Dec. 12

William K. Finn vs. Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, rescission of suspension; reinstatement of driving privileges; specialized driving privileges

Midland Funding LLC vs. Beth Mohr, civil collection

Dec. 13

Blue River Mortgage Company vs. Citimortgage Inc., Internal Revenue Service, board of trustees chairman Mike Lauer, M. Doed LLC/Kirby Thompson, Jeffrey H. Richardson, Kristina A. Richardson, Rose & Walker Supply Inc., State of Indiana Department of Revenue, Treasurer of Brown County Indiana, board of trustees secretary Mike Yeager, mortgage foreclosure