Brown County loses another to overdose

FRUITDALE — A 28-year-old Brown County man died over Labor Day weekend as a result of a drug overdose, Coroner Earl Piper said.

The man’s father found him not breathing in bed, the police report said. Police were called just before 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2 to the home on State Road 135 North.

Piper said the death was an overdose, but the drug involved will not be determined until a toxicology report is completed in about three or four weeks. He said a substance was found in the man’s bedroom.

“I purely believe this was an accidental death,” Piper said. “There was nothing at all which would tell me any different. This was not something that was done on purpose.”

This death brings the total number of reported fatal overdoses in the county this year to three.

In July, police responded to four overdoses in the Cordry-Sweetwater, Helmsburg and Van Buren Township areas. Only two of the four victims survived.

The first victim, age 38, had a syringe still in his hand when his mother found him at his home, police said.

The second fatality was a 24-year-old man in the Helmsburg area. His mother also found him, police said.

Toxicology tests on those two deaths came back positive for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, and for morphine, Piper said.

The two other non-fatal overdoses in July occurred in Helmsburg and on Becks Grove Road. On both victims, emergency responders used naloxone, which treats narcotics overdoses. They were transported to hospitals.

The three deaths now surpass last year’s total for fatal overdoses, according to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department. The two deaths last year were from heroin.

Eight total heroin overdoses were recorded in the county last year including the two fatal ones, plus two prescription overdoses and one methamphetamine overdose, sheriff’s department records said.