BZA to consider rear setback variance at 173 E. Main St. by petitioner Teddy Deckard, Chisato Daugherty




Notice is hereby given that the Brown County Area Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on June 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the second floor meeting room in the County Office Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a petition by Teddy Deckard for approval of an application to allow a rear setback Variance.

Legal description of premises:

Part of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 3 East in the Town of Nashville, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:

Commencing at the Northeast comer of In-Lot Number Five (5) in the ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE TOWN OF NASHVILLE, BROWN COUNTY, INDIANA, recorded in Plat Cabinet 1, Sleeve 258A, in the office of the Recorder of Brown Count, Indiana; thence South 66 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East (bearing from deed) 536.50 feet (Southeast 537.5 feet deed) to an iron pin set marking the Northwest comer of the Fire Station Lot, said iron pin marking the most Easterly comer of a tract described to Truemper in Deed Record Number 94, page 571 in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana and the beginning; thence South 10 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds West 178.00 feet to an iron pipe found marking the most Southerly comer of said Truemper, thence North 66 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West with the Southerly line of said Truemper 80.00 feet to a capped rebar set; thence North 10 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds East through the lands of Truemper 178.00 feet to an iron pin set on the Northerly line of said Truemper; thence South 66 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East with said Northerly line 80.00 feet to the beginning, containing 0.318 acres, more or less.

Parcel #001-26100-02

Also, the right of ingress and egress over a ten (10) foot wide easement for an existing waterline located in part of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 3 East, in the Town of Nashville, Brown County, Indiana, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of In-Lot Number Five (5) in the ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE TOWN OF NASHVILLE, BROWN COUNTY, INDIANA, recorded in Plat Cabinet 1, Sleeve 258A, in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana; thence South 66 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East (bearing from deed) 536.50 feet (Southeast 537.5 feet deed) to an iron pin set marking the Northwest comer of the First Station Lot, said iron pin marking the most Easterly comer of a tact described to Truemper in Deed Record Number 94; page 571 in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana; thence South 10 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds West 178.00 feet to an iron pipe found marking the most southerly comer of said Truemper, thence North 66 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West with the Southerly line of said Truemper 190.94 feet to the point of beginning for the easement herein described; thence North 81 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 114.15 feet to the West line of the above described 0.318-acre tract

The property is located at 173 East Main Street in Washington Township.

The file on this matter is available for public inspection 10 days prior to the hearing, during regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane Nashville, Indiana.

All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the application. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing, will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission office at (812) 988-5490

Petitioner: Teddy Deckard

Petitioner: Chisato Daugherty

Date  6-4-18

32045102 6/13, 2018 hspaxlp 18-115