Contractor picked for local paving projects this fall

At a price tag of $1.4 million, a contractor has been picked to pave nine roads in the county this fall.

Milestone Contractors was awarded the bid for the local paving projects at the Brown County Commissioners meeting on Aug. 15. Almost 14 miles of road will be paved.

E&B Paving Inc. also bid on the local paving projects. There was a difference of about $73,000 between the two bids. Milestone’s total bid for the work was $1,416,338.60, while E&B bid $1,489,700.

“Based on looking at each individual road and total, Milestone is low on all of them,” Brown County Highway Superintendent Mike Magner said.

Magner said contracts should be ready for the next meeting in September.

Roads to be paved this year are: Fruitdale Road and Fruitdale Lane, Spearsville Road and Bean Blossom Road to the county line, Sprunica Road, Mt. Moriah Road, Redbud Lane, Lick Creek Road south of Three Story Hill Road to Cottonwood Road, Christianburg Road and south Grandview Road.

In addition to those, Magner is hoping to get almost six miles of Bellsville Pike, three-and-a-half miles of Greasy Creek Road, almost a mile-and-a-half of Nineveh Road and the Old State Road 46 loop paved through the state’s Community Crossings grant program. However, if that grant plan is approved in November, those roads couldn’t be paved until spring.

Community Crossings grant applications are due Sept. 28. The county will be required to match 25 percent of the money awarded, up to $1 million.

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Lick Creek Road from Three Story Hill to Cottonwood Road: 2.5 miles

Fruitdale Road and Fruitdale Lane: 2.42 miles

Upper end of Spearsville/Bean Blossom roads to county line: 0.75 mile

Sprunica Road: 1.25 miles

Mt. Moriah Road: 0.25 mile

Redbud Lane: 0.25 mile

Christianburg Road: 4.10 miles

South Grandview Road: 2.25 miles

TOTAL: 13.72 miles
