Santa visits preschoolers at Head Start

“I hear jingle bells and a ‘Ho, ho, ho!’” Head Start teacher Sherry Dowell exclaimed, as the Fruitdale Volunteer Fire Department engine pulled up outside.

Soon, Chief Kevin Sebastian and Lt. Dia Goodrich entered with two red bags filled with presents for the boys and girls. Santa himself wasn’t far behind.

One by one, most of the little ones made their way to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him their Christmas wishes on Dec. 20. A few settled for posing for a photo with him seated safely on their mom’s lap in front of Santa.

The Fruitdale Fire Department has been bringing presents to Head Start students for at least 10 years, Sebastian said. They spend around $400 on gifts, with most of the money being raised by those who play bingo at the station, he said.

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The department also donated $300 to Helmsburg and Sprunica elementary schools to help purchase presents for students there.

“The kids,” Sebastian said when asked what keeps the department donating presents each Christmas. “We love seeing the expression on their faces. Santa loves doing it, too.”

After Santa visited with each child, they received a bag filled with toys.

Dec. 20 was the last day Head Start will be open at the end of East Gould Street.

On Monday, Jan. 7, Head Start will reopen at the Brown County YMCA, Head Teacher Kelle Pope said.