GUEST OPINION: First Day Hike in state park brings sense of community

Jan. 1, 2019 found me with my husband and more than 200 fellow nature-lovers on the First Day Hike at Brown County State Park.

Alicia Woodward
Alicia Woodward

It was wonderful to start the new year with a burst of energy, the camaraderie of community and a shared appreciation for nature.

The First Day Hikes program, offered by America’s state park system, encourages individuals and families to welcome the new year by going on a free, guided hike on Jan. 1.

Last year, nearly 55,000 people started their new year by hiking more than 133,000 miles in state parks throughout the country.

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The First Day Hike at Brown County State Park was part of the park’s “Mysterious Hills” winter hike series that continues through March.

Our hiking guide and state park naturalist Patrick Haulter said participation doubled from last year when the first day of the year brought sub-zero temperatures.

He led our army of hikers on a two-mile trek that started and ended at the Abe Martin Lodge. The single-file line snaking through the hills of Brown County included people of all ages, babies in back carriers and a few four-legged friends.

As we began our hike, I overheard a guest of the lodge joke, “Wow, that’s a big family!”

The narrow trail was covered in wet leaves and squishy mud that brought a slippery challenge. It was one we knew would be worse for those at the back of the line.

When not navigating the rugged trail, we chatted, as hikers often do, about the weather, foliage and fauna, wildlife and other favorite hiking spots.

As we looped back around to the lodge, we said goodbye and wished each other a happy new year while silently wondering if our paths would ever cross again. Hiking is often a chance to be alone in the solitude of nature, but there was a great sense of community on the First Day Hike at Brown County State Park.

Despite our obvious differences, the fact that each of us was motivated to spend the first day of the new year hiking in the great outdoors was somewhat of a bonding experience.

Regardless of where our journeys may take us through the new year, we started it off together in the hills of Brown County, Indiana.

An expanded bird’s eye view would show hiking trails all over the country filled with First Day Hikers boldly striding into the new year carrying backpacks full of shiny hopes and dreams.