One weekend only: ‘Footloose’ will bring back memories

Grab your favorite leg warmers, put your hair in a side pony and throw on your high-waisted jeans. Brown County High School students are going to “cut loose” this weekend, and they’re inviting the community to join them.

The high school’s production of “Footloose,” based on the 1984 film starring Kevin Bacon, will run for one weekend only beginning this Thursday, April 11. The cast hopes to make it a sold-out show each night.

“We’ve never done that before, and with us only having one weekend, that makes it a little harder on the drama department and our funds,” said Josiah Drew, who plays the lead male character, Ren.

“We just want everybody to be able to experience this, because it will be just so fun for every single person.”

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In an effort to bring viewers out for each show, special events will be happening each night, such as a cake-and-autograph reception on opening night Thursday, a raffle on Friday, wear-your-’80s-clothes night on Saturday, and a meal discount at Casa Del Sol on Sunday.

Drew said a sold out show would “reiterate the support” he felt from his community that made it feel like home.

“We always know people care, but it’s nice to see that,” he said.

“Footloose” tells the story of Ren McCormack, a high school student from Chicago who moves to Bomont, a small town where dancing has been banned. He meets Ariel, the daughter of Rev. Shaw Moore. The reverend is not a fan of dancing.

“Ren comes into town with his issues. The town is not what he expected, so he’s being studied by everyone and judged by everyone. He didn’t expect that. He gets quite the attitude at one point and finally starts to work it through,” said Laurie Godfrey, head of the high school’s theater department.

“He can handle it,” Godfrey said. “Joey is going to be whatever he wants to be, period. He’s just that gifted.”

This is Drew’s second lead role this school year. He has been involved with the theater department since sixth grade when he played a role in “The Music Man.”

Drew said the show is about Ren’s “journey of finding acceptance in that town and coming to terms with some of the internal battles he has.”

“It’s all done with the metaphor of dance, so it’s really fun,” he said.

He said he’s able to relate to his character’s journey.

“I really feel like a city person, but I’m here in the country, obviously. When I was younger I used to say, ‘Oh, there’s nothing here for me. I just hate this,’ but there’s actually so many people here who are just the best people in the world. I actually love this town. That just happened through a place of opening myself up just like Ren does,” he said.

Drew said he watched “Footloose” when he was growing up and always wanted to play Ren.

Senior Avery Seaman will play Ariel Moore. This is her first time performing in a theater production.

“She has a really lovely voice. She had the look I wanted. She brought that character I wanted,” Godfrey said about Seaman.

Seaman describes her character as a “wild girl.” “She is upset that her parents are so strict on her because she’s the preacher’s daughter,” she said.

She can relate to her character as well. Seaman grew up in a spiritual home. Her own parents had a similar upbringing to her character’s, she said. They grew up in a strict, religious environment where dancing wasn’t allowed. Her father wasn’t allowed to go to school dances or football games in high school, she said.

“It’s just too ironic that I got this lead,” she said.

Senior Zelton Kay will play the Rev. Moore, Ariel’s father. This is Kay’s second time performing in a theater production. He said he’s always wanted to be in a musical, but homework and school projects always stood in the way each spring. Now that he has applied to college, he has more free time to perform.

“He’s the most interesting character, because he’s kind of the bad guy, but he’s not the straight forward definition of a bad guy,” Kay said about his character.

“He’s really flawed and he’s suppressing all of these people, but he has his reasons, and he has his own trauma he’s going through and isn’t really overcoming. He’s charismatic, but he also has a temper and kind of a darker side.”

Kay said the musical is “such a fun show.”

“For the students, it’s so fun to see your friends on stage. There’s going to be songs that adults will be like, ‘Oh yeah, I haven’t heard this song since Ronald Reagan was president.’ There’s a lot of energy,” he said.

Reid Davis was picked to play Willard, Ren’s new friend in Bomont.

He also grew up watching “Footloose.”

“For two weeks straight before auditions, I binge-watched it. … I even have my copy in my backpack right now because there are people in the play right now who have not seen it,” he said.

“My mom said I would make an awesome actor, although my main goal is engineering.”

Junior Emma McClintock plays Rusty, Ariel’s best friend and Willard’s love interest.

She was a new student to BCHS last year, so she understands the theme of Ren being the new kid in school. Previously, McClintock had been cast as an understudy for lead roles.

“I actually sent a picture of my face to my parents. They were like, ‘What’s wrong?’ I’m like, ‘I actually got a part.’ It was super exciting,” she said.

There are 36 students in this musical, including a few from Brown County Junior High School.

The Brown County Woodworkers Club helped students build the large bridge that will remain on stage for the entire production.

The show will run for one weekend only, from April 11 to 14. Godfrey said that decision was made because the actors are busy with other extracurricular activities, like show choir, and that limits their time. Practices used to take place on Saturdays for six hours. Now the majority happen after school. Snow also delayed rehearsals.

Seaman said the musical is something that people of all ages can relate to.

“I know ‘Footloose’ came out when my parents were young. I think it will remind people of when they were our age,” she said.

A sold-out show would make Zelton nervous, but “really excited,” he said.

“That’s what I want to happen,” he said. “If I could have a perfect world, it would be every night sold out, playing to a packed house.”

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What: Brown County High School theater production of the musical “Footloose”

When: Thursday through Saturday, April 11 to 13 at 7 p.m.; Sunday, April 14 at 2 p.m.

Tickets: $5 for students, $7 for adults at the door. Kids 3 and younger are admitted free.

Special events:

Thursday night: Reception featuring cake, lemonade and a chance to get autographs from the cast and crew for anyone who purchased their show tickets ahead of time.

Friday night: Anyone holding a presale ticket will get early entry into the auditorium. There will also be a raffle.

Saturday night: Wear your favorite outfit from the ’80s.

Sunday night: Get a meal before or after the show at Casa Del Sol; 25 percent of the proceeds will go back to the theater department. Diners must have a flyer from the show to present to their server.

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Cast list” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Ren McCormack: Josiah Drew

Understudy: Nathan Lewis

Ethel McCormack: Heather Pritchard

Understudy: Trista Fields

Rev. Shaw Moore: Zelton Kay

Understudy: Eli deWeerdt

Vi Moore: Adelyn Roush

Understudy: Kaya Gore

Ariel Moore: Avery Seaman

Lulu Warniker: Evelyn Pool

Wes Warniker: Donald Landry

Coach Roger Dunbar: Landyn Dugan

Eleanor Dunbar: Caly Rice

Rusty: Emma McClintock

Urleen: Madi Cook

Understudy: Ava Roush

Wendy Jo: Marie Fields

Chuck Cranston: Quentin Heltman

Understudy: Kameron McKinley

Lyle (Chuck’s buddy): Eli deWeerdt

Travis (Chuck’s buddy): Nathan Lewis

A Cop: Jackson Kelp

Betty Blast: Virginia Lecklider

Understudy Razzy Floyd

Willard Hewitt: (Ren’s friend): Reid Davis

Understudy: Kameron McKinley

Principal Harriet Clark: Jordyn Parks Hansel

Understudy Desirae Ogden

Jeter (Ren’s friend): Kameron McKinley

Bickle (Ren’s friend): Jackson Kelp

Garvin (Ren’s friend): River Platter

Cowboy Bob: Donald Landry

Chorus: Kendall Cochrane, Mattie Cochran, Trista Fields, Razzy Floyd, Kaya Gore, Aubrey Harden, Greta Johnson, Lela Leslie, Dezirae Ogden, Sara Osmanova, Gracelyn Patton, Ava Roush, Elise Slaybaugh, Samantha Smith, Lilly Voils
