TAKE NOTE: Teacher makes it into Top 10; road work begins; new historic marker

Brown County High School science teacher Jim McFall explains a DNA sequence assignment to students in his Project Lead the Way medical interventions class. McFall has been named to the top 30 teachers in the running for Indiana Teacher of the Year. The top 10 teachers are expected to be named this week. Suzannah Couch | The Democrat

Local teacher makes it into state Top 10

Brown County High School science teacher Jim McFall is a Top 10 finalist for the 2020 Indiana State Teacher of the Year award.

The next step in the competition is an interview with the state panel that will be picking the winner. That announcement is expected next month or in early October.

McFall has taught his entire career in Brown County schools, starting with eighth-grade science at Brown County Junior High School. He now teaches Project Lead the Way science courses at the high school.

McFall’s story about making the Top 30 was in the Aug. 21 paper.

Road work begins with grant dollars

Crews will soon be out repaving county roads.

Last week, Brown County Highway Superintendent Mike Magner reported that the county had received the $1 million in Community Crossings grant funding it had been awaiting.

Around 14 miles will be paved with the grant: Nineveh Road up to Beech Tree Road; all of Greasy Creek; and seven miles of Bellsville Pike. Milestone began wedging work on Bellsville Pike last week.

County commissioner Diana Biddle reminded residents that the first level of work on roads is not the finished product. “Don’t blow up the phones because you think they did a crappy patching job. There’s more,” she said.

Magner said that paving work includes wedging, base work, then a final surface top. After that surface top is cured, then lines will be painted, he said.

He also reported during the meeting that his department now has two working tractors to do mowing. “We are cutting weeds down as fast as possible,” he said.

The highway department is also looking to hire four CDL drivers. After last week, the department was down to 12 drivers out of 16 total positions. “That’s playing into the amount of work we can actually accomplish,” Magner said.

New historic marker to be unveiled

An unveiling of a new Indiana Historical Marker honoring photographer Frank M. Hohenberger will take place on the grounds of the former Nashville House, at the corner of Main and Van Buren streets, Thursday, Aug. 29 at 2 p.m.

The event is being organized by the Peaceful Valley Heritage Preservation Society Inc. All are welcome.

Read more about the unveiling in this week’s Community Calendar.