Letter: Curious finds when picking up roadside litter

To the editor:

Spouse and I pick up litter routinely along our road.

What we have picked up:

Beer and pop cans, liquor bottles. (Lots of Bud Light lately.)

Fast food and gas station trash, candy wrappers. (Panera Bread just once.)

$11 in cash.

One condom, two tampons, diapers.

A bicycle, tailpipe, tire, large-diameter tubing.

Checkbook (Returned to owner. Thank you, Nashville post office, for doing this free.)

One debit card. (I called and canceled it.)

One credit card. (Hawaii, here we come! Just kidding.)

Juul boxes, about 100 of ‘em in one day.

Receipts. If I find something with your name on it, I’ll mail it to you with a snarky comment.

Tools, board, knife, thermos, cellphone, hubcap.

What it has cost us:

$100 in ointments and dermatologist exam to relieve the spreading itch on the “pick-up arm.” Now, we use grabbers.

$25 to fix the tire when we picked up a huge nail/bit in the scrub beside the road.

Several pickers/grabbers at $8 each.

Thank you to the folks at the highway department trash drop-off who are so kind and funny. You make it worthwhile. And to the property owners who pick up litter along their own stretch of road, or who let us park in their nail/bit-free lanes, our old bones and tired backs know who you are and are thankful for you.

There’s no point in addressing litterers, because they don’t read the newspaper.

Marilyn Fagg, Brown County