Fine print: Jail bookings May 4-11

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

May 4

9:44 p.m. George McBride, 48, Bloomington, warrant; probation violation. (Sheppard)

May 5

2:34 a.m. Luke Newkirk, 29, Columbus, resisting law enforcement; leaving the scene of an accident; possession of paraphernalia; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; operating a vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment; habitual traffic violator. (Acres)

May 9

3:45 a.m. James Allen, 55, intimidation; vandalism. Released at 5:48 a.m. May 9 on own recognizance.

May 11

1:03 a.m. Lucas Senn, 35, warrant; domestic battery. (Burns)