BRIGHT SPOTS: Local shop gets contract to make 12,000 masks, and other good news

A finished mask sits next to unfinished products. Abigail Youmans

While many downtown businesses were considered “non-essential” and forced to close to the public, one Nashville shop still found “essential” work to do.

Mike Klein, owner of Moonshine Leather in downtown Nashville, “stumbled upon a company that needed help filling a giant order they’d received,” he said.

That order: 12,000 cloth face masks for essential workers.

The company, based out of Chicago, typically works in fabrics and kitchen-related items, like oven mitts and aprons, but they’ve had to adjust amid the pandemic, and they needed more help, Klein said.

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This company sent him a sample of the mask and a video of how it’s made.

“We were having a little trouble because the owner of the company was sheltering in place in one state, and the company was in another,” Klein said. “We kind of had an adventurous time figuring out how to assemble these masks from afar.”

Masks are in high demand, which Klein has seen when producing these for the company, which he didn’t want to name. In only four hours, 2,200 of them sold.

Klein was able to give his employees in the leather shop work by taking on this project — almost too much work. He ended up dividing people into teams of three, working in small groups so there was little to no chance of them getting sick.

Of the 20-person mask-sewing team he has, six are new workers. Klein is still looking for more, as his leather shop employees are back working in retail.

“We’re hoping to find some more local people wanting to sew,” he said. “You just need a sewing machine, skills and the time.”

If interested, contact Moonshine Leather at [email protected] or 812-988-1326.

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Editor’s note: We’ve been trying to bring you some good news each week during our COVID-19 coverage. If you’d like to thank someone for something they did for you or someone else, or reflect on something that makes you proud or happy or gives you peace during this time, please email a Bright Spot to [email protected].

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