Roman Kent, who urged world to remember the Holocaust, dies

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; Roman Kent, who survived the Holocaust and helped make sure the world never forgot its horrors, has died. He was 92. </p>
<p>His daughter <a href="">told</a> The New York Times her father died Friday at his Manhattan home.</p>
<p>At the time of his death, Kent was the chairman of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, which documents the lives of survivors and works with educators to teach about the Holocaust.</p>
<p>He also spent time on the board of the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, which negotiated monetary settlements for survivors. Kent held positions including treasurer and co-chairman of the negotiating committee.</p>
<p>“Roman made himself available for every cause that we put in front of him, tirelessly giving of his time and energy" said Gideon Taylor, president of the Claims Conference, in a statement. “He will be remembered as an unwavering force of good will and an undeniable advocate for the global Jewish community.”</p>
<p>Born in Poland, Kent was a teen when he was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. He was separated from his mother, who he never saw again, and his two sisters while his younger brother was with him. His father had died in 1943.</p>
<p>Kent and his brother were sent to other camps before being freed by the American military in 1945. They were reunited with their sisters in Sweden, one of whom died soon after the war and the other who ended up staying there.</p>
<p>Kent and his brother came to the United States, where Kent studied business and started companies. He married Hannah Starkman, another Holocaust survivor, in 1957.</p>
<p>In addition to his daughter, Kent is survived by a son, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. His wife died in 2017.</p>