Letter: Skills Program appreciative of community

To the editor:

I serve as our community’s high school Life Skills Program teacher. Our program has a strong community-based component which takes us out of the classroom and into Nashville on a pretty regular basis.

We are very fortunate to be in a community that has such supportive and willing community partners. You make our program stronger. You help our students grow. You are valued by our program. Thank you for your partnership.

We want to thank:

A complete stranger who walked up to me, shook my hand and left money in my hand to buy drinks and snacks at Speedway for students who did not have money to make a purchase.

Speedway for having your doors wide open when I bring our large group over each Friday morning. Your patience and helpfulness as we form one of the longest lines I’ve seen at the cash register is appreciated.

Suzannah Zody at the Brown County Playhouse for opening The Playhouse doors to give us an opportunity to see a movie one morning.

Vickie Payne along with her staff at the BP and Jane Ellis along with her staff at the Brown County Convention and Visitors Bureau for providing training opportunities for our students to learn job skills in a supported environment.

The Brown County Public Library for being a great library with a nice selection of reading materials to suit our interests.

The planners of the Salt Creek Trail for providing a wonderfully peaceful and safe environment for some of our gym time.

The Artist Colony Inn for welcoming our large group for outings.

The Recycling Center. We love walking in your doors! You are so very friendly and helpful to us as we bring you our high school’s recycled materials. We also love your Dum-Dum suckers.

The Chocolate Moose. Thank you for helping after our sneezing accident.

Michelle Kritzer and her staff at Casa del Sol. Thank you for taking care of our large group for dinner and providing vocational training opportunities to our students.

The Brown County Democrat for providing weekly newspapers.

The courteous drivers who stop and patiently wait so we can safely cross the street.

We appreciate our community partners! Thank you for your support.

If there are others who are interested in becoming one of our community partners, I would be delighted to talk with you. You can reach me at the high school or through email: [email protected].

Barb Kelp, Life Skills teacher, Brown County High School

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