Letter: Reliance on ‘the Machine’ needs to be dialed back

To the editor:

I appreciated the response of Sen. Dan Coats to my concerns over the monopolistic drug pricing by “Big Pharma.” It is just another instance of the accelerated exploitation of average Americans inherent in top-down, supply-side economics now espoused by the incoming administration.

Another symptom of such flawed economics was the deregulation and resulting crash of 2008. When will our political leaders of an emerging “corporatocracy” admit that the wealth of an economy is generated by the middle working class?

Most importantly, as a physics researcher into critical phenomena, I understand the science is correct on the threat of modern climate change to the very existence of the human race. Modern man has fallen in love with the Machine — in particular, an all-consuming industrial machine treating every natural resource as a commodity labeled only with a dollar sign for consumption. By trying to dominate, we have disavowed our link to and dependence on nature and become less human.

Clyde W. Irvine, Unionville

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