Letter: Response to holiday light parade was overwhelming

To the editor:

The holiday lighted toy parade was fun, festive and fantastic! It exceeded our expectations at all levels! We at The Salvation Army want to express our heartfelt thank-you to everyone that has supported, that has contributed and has partnered with us and for us in this endeavor that has grown larger each holiday season.

The streets were lined with cheering spectators, bundled against the chill, and filling the night air with a palpable holiday spirit.

We would like to thank the Brown County Literacy Coalition who generously supplied hot cocoa for everyone to warm up with upon our return, and who also supplied the classic storybook, “Twas The Night Before Christmas” that Pastor Phil read to the children, much to their delight.

We want to thank Big Woods Pizza who, from the beginning of the lighted parades five years ago, has generously supplied 30 large pizzas for everyone that returns with us back to the church where we off-load all the toy donations that were collected along the parade route.

At the time of this letter, 905 toys were off-loaded at the end of the parade, and donations have been collected and brought to our corps for the 2016 Toy Shop on Saturday, Dec. 10.

Toy Shop 2016 will be over when this thank you letter gets printed, but we at The Salvation Army are so blessed and so humbled by continual and unfailing support of this entire Brown County community. It is difficult to express the largess of our gratefulness.

May you all have a merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season!

With much gratitude and appreciation,

Pastor Phil and Gail Barrett, The Salvation Army of Brown County (submitted by Rebecca Smith)

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