Fine Print: Criminal court Dec. 15-19

New charges filed

Dec. 15

Floyd Davis, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, Class C misdemeanor; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, Class C misdemeanor


Dec. 16

Micah A. Bowling, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; 46 days Brown County jail with all days executed, none suspended. Credit for 23 actual days. No probation. Driver’s license suspended 90 days; $1 fine, $184.50 total costs. State moved to dismiss cause No. 07C01-1606-CM-000249. Court grants same.

Nathan Harris, theft, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 126 days BCJ, all executed, none suspended. Credit for 63 actual days. Sentence is consecutive to 16CM0283. Restitution hearing will be set upon request of any party; $1 fine, $185 total costs.

Nathan Harris, resisting law enforcement, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 334 days, BCJ, all executed, none suspended. Credit for 167 actual days. Sentence is consecutive to 15F60164. Restitution hearing will be set upon request of any party; $1 fine, $185 total costs.

Dec. 19

Christian M. Going, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more, Class A misdemeanor; remaining counts dismissed; 365 days BCJ/BCCC with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 363 days with conditions to include: 24 hours community service, substance abuse evaluation, Victim Impact Panel; $1 fine, $384.50 total costs. License suspension for 112 days commencing Aug. 30.

Jeffery L. Terrill, possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 365 days BCJ/BCCC with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 363 days. Defendant to pay $640.03 restitution to Jeff Casey Dec. 19. Defendant may be released from probation upon successful completion of special conditions after 180 days; $1 fine, $384 total costs.

Dismissed cases

Dec. 16

Micah A. Bowling, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor