Man who bailed out of car arrested

GNAW BONE — A man who bailed out of a vehicle because he saw police in the neighborhood has been charged with possession of meth and a syringe.

Nathan Coty Eisenmenger, 27, of Three Story Hill Road, was arrested on June 28 after officers found him hiding under the stairs at Forest Hills Apartments.

Brown County Sheriff’s Deputy Andrew Eggebrecht was patrolling that area at about 8 p.m. because he had information Eisenmenger might be there, and he had a warrant for a probation violation. Eggebrecht and Indiana State Trooper Matthew Hatchett spoke with an apartment resident who said that Eisenmenger wasn’t there, but he might be with a relative who drove a maroon Blazer.

As the officers were walking away, they saw a maroon Blazer pulling into a parking space. Eggebrecht wrote in his report that saw something go around the corner of the building. He stopped and talked to the driver, who said that Eisenmenger jumped out of the vehicle at State Road 46 when he saw officers in the area, the report said.

The officers checked around the building where the Blazer had just parked and found Eisenmenger hiding under the stairs. Before Eggebrecht “even had one handcuff on Eisenmenger,” he admitted that he had a syringe in his pocket, the report said.

Officers found the syringe, as well as a baggie with what they believed to be meth residue. While Eggebrecht was documenting the syringe, he found a small piece of material under the cap on the plunger side which field-tested positive for methamphetamine, his report said.

On the way to the jail, Eisenmenger told officers he also had a warrant out for his arrest in Marion County. It was for failure to appear in court, the police report said.

He was charged in Brown Circuit Court on June 29 with possession of methamphetamine and unlawful possession of a syringe, both Level 6 felonies.