Local artist’s logo picked for statewide conference

Local artist Dee Manzenberger just graduated from Ivy Tech in December, and already, she’s won a statewide contest.

A logo she designed will be used during a conference next spring.

Manzenberger’s superheroes-themed logo was picked as the logo for the Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education conference, to be conducted this April in French Lick. IAACE is a statewide organization of individuals and institutions who promote education and training of adults in Indiana communities.

“It was pretty exciting when I got the email about my logo being picked,” Manzenberger said. “There were participants statewide, so it kind of felt like a big deal.”

She said the tagline was already picked, so “that part was easy.”

“I’ve never been a big follower of comic book heroes, so I did some research and created the logo around the ideas portrayed in the images that I saw. I created the image in Illustrator. It was a fun project,” she said.

Before starting college, Manzenberger would go to the Brown County Career Resource Center to use their computers, since she couldn’t get internet at her home in Helmsburg. Former CRC director Dave Bartlett helped her get scholarships from the Brown County Community Foundation. She was a nontraditional student, a single mother of two who had been running a cleaning business.

She graduated on Dec. 14 with an{span} associate degree in visual communications with concentrations in graphic design and photography.

Manzenberger has started a small freelance design business, Brown County Design LLC, to do projects for people around Nashville. She rented a space in the Heritage Mall and was planning to move the business there this week.

“I have a lot of ideas that have been in my head for a long time and I am finally able to start getting them out and sharing them with everyone,” she said.

“It’s a very exciting time.”