Fine print: Criminal court Dec. 20-Jan. 3

New charges Filed

Dec. 28

Gary D. Roberts, trafficking with an inmate, Level 5 felony; trafficking with an inmate, Class A misdemeanor; possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor

Jacob Arron Ruckman, domestic battery, Level 6 felony; intimidation, Level 6 felony; criminal trespass, Class A misdemeanor

Jan. 2

Richard Albert Metsch, operating a vehicle as a habitual traffic violator, Level 6 felony; domestic battery, Class A misdemeanor; domestic battery, Level 6 felony

Jan. 3

Benjamin Harlow, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor

Lynette Larabee, auto theft, Level 6 felony


Dec. 20

Carl McCormack, receiving stolen auto parts, Level 6 felony; habitual offender; two and a half years, which is enhanced by two years for habitual offender, for a total sentence of four and a half years to the DOC/BCJ/BCCC. Credit for 16 actual days. Sentence may be served on work release, if eligible; $1 fine, $1,686 total court costs. Court will consider public defender fee if defendant is not eligible for work release. Defendant requests appointment of appellate counsel. Court to issue order appointing counsel.

Dismissed cases

Dec. 26

Anna Otto, theft, Class A misdemeanor

Brandi Baker, check deception, Class A misdemeanor