Legal notices for week of July 16


The Brown County Water Utility (BCWU) has an existing loan with the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program to make storage and distribution system improvements. The utility will add additional projects including the purchase of a new vacuum excavation trailer and skid steer for use in the maintenance of the distribution system. The utility will also pay for additional engineering services related to the Preliminary Engineering Report addenda. The cost of these projects will come from unspent SRF loan funds that are available for use. For questions, call Ellen Masteller, Office/Administration Manager, at 812-988-6611.

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On July 2, 2019, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC filed a Verified Petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) in Cause No. 45253 respectfully petitioning the Commission for authority pursuant to Ind. Code §§ 8-1-2-42.7 and 8-1-2-61, to increase its retail rates and charges for electric service rendered by Duke Energy Indiana in the State of Indiana through a step-in rate adjustment using a forecasted test period; approval of new schedules of rates and charges, general rules and regulations and riders, approval of a federal mandate certificate, and for approval of related relief including: revised depreciation rates; accounting deferral relief; inclusion in rate base of qualified pollution control property and clean energy projects; and a revenue decoupling mechanism (“RDM”) for certain customer classes.

Duke Energy Indiana, LLC

By: Stan C. Pinegar, President

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Public notice is hereby given to affected property owners pursuant to 170 IAC 4-9-4(f) that within two (2) to six (6) weeks of the date of this notice, weather permitting, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC will be performing vegetation management as part of its power line maintenance program in the area described below.  As part of this project, one of its contractors that employ qualified utility line clearance tree workers will be trimming and/or removing trees and brush to clear the lines of vegetation in order to provide safe and reliable electric service.  Vegetation management will be performed in/near Nashville on or near streets identified below:

Beginning at the substation located on Clay Lick Rd near Old St Rd 46

Clay Lick Rd S, to Old St Rd 46 S, continue S near Jacobs Ln approx .05 miles, W approx .15 miles to St Rd 46, W on St Rd 46, S on Parkview Rd approx .15 miles, return to St Rd 46 & continue W

Near S Snyder Rd, SW approx .05 miles, W approx .25 miles; around the areas of Hawthorne Dr, Chestnut St, Willow St, & Brown County YMCA

Back at St Rd 46, near S Snyder Rd, NW approx .25 miles to Main St, W ending near Greasy Creek.  Off Main St N on Memorial Rd approx .15 miles, E approx .25 miles, N approx .10 miles

Back at Main St, S on Heimburger Ln approx .10 miles, E approx .15 miles, S approx .05 miles, E approx .15 miles, then NE approx .05 miles

Starting back at the substation, Clay Lick Rd S, to Old St Rd 46 S, near Jacobs Ln, continue S approx .20 miles then W approx .20 miles; heading back S approx .20 miles, E near Brown County State Park North Entrance, heading back S approx .40 miles, SE approx .40 miles & SW following Horseman Camp Rd ending approx .50 miles past Ogle Lake Rd & at the end of Ogle Lake Rd

The date this notice is published initiates the two (2) week period for calculating implied consent by an affected property owner under 170 IAC 4-9.  If you have any questions you may contact the Duke Energy Vegetation Management toll free number, 866-385-3675.

Duke Energy Indiana, LLC

Vegetation Management Department

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