GUEST OPINION: One word to guide you in the new year

What's your vision for the new year, 2020? Submitted photo

By ALICIA WOODWARD, guest columnist

If ever there was a year calling for crystal-clear vision, 2020 is it! Like many people, I adopt a special word for the new year in lieu of making resolutions. The idea is to choose a word that provides focus and clarity to help live more intentionally throughout the new year. Allow me to share my word, and then I’ll help you come up with yours.

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Alicia Woodward

My word for 2020 is “seasons.” This word works well for me for a few reasons. First, I feel fortunate to live in a part of the country that experiences four distinct seasons. This year, I will more consciously delight and be inspired by the natural beauty and seasonal gifts offered by winter, spring, summer and fall.

Additionally, I will embrace my current season of life. As empty-nesters who are newly retired, my husband and I are finding a comfortable rhythm here in our cabin in the woods. Our days unfold sweetly from sunrise to sunset. Rather than living in the past or worrying about the future, I want to appreciate and enjoy this wonderful season of our lives.

Finally, I will be considerate of those who are in more challenging seasons. Our children and younger friends face the stress of establishing careers, raising children and finding their place in the world. Our parents and older friends are experiencing the mysteries of growing old. Keeping this in mind, I hope to extend more understanding, empathy and compassion.

So what will be your word for 2020? There aren’t any rules, but here are some questions you could ask yourself to help you find your perfect word for the new year:

1. How do I want to feel when I wake up in the morning?

2. What do I care most about right now?

3. How do I want to make other people feel when they’re around me?

4. What does my heart crave?

5. What are my biggest responsibilities right now?

6. How do I want to feel when I go to sleep at night?

Here are some juicy words to get you thinking: explore, presence, simplicity, create, gratitude, fun, courage, family, empower, relax, cheerful, learn, strong, joy, balance, focus, grow, kindness, acceptance, romance, brave, refine, passion, generosity, peace, change, elegance, happy, organized, grace, confidence, quiet, home, relationships, calm, faith, motivation, wellness, energy, mindful, wisdom, love.

Do any of those words resonate with you and your hopes for the new year?

Once you’ve chosen a word, think about specific ways it might positively affect your daily life. How could focusing on your word influence these areas?

  • your disposition and attitude
  • your relationships
  • your home
  • your personal style
  • your work
  • your health
  • your activities
  • your money
  • your time
  • your words
  • your actions
  • your contribution to the world

With some soul-searching and foresight, 2020 holds 365 chances to live our vision.

I am inspired by Anne Frank, who wrote in her diary, “What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet!”