Fine print: Criminal court Nov. 16-19

New charges

Nov. 17

Cody Brown, leaving the scene of an accident, Class B misdemeanor; violation of driving conditions, Class C misdemeanor

Billie Boyd, obstructing traffic, Class B misdemeanor

Shane Atkins, possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Ryan O’Neal, possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Jacob Warfield, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor

Justin Irwin, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Drew Miller, two counts of intimidation, Level 5 felonies


Nov. 16

Donald Kapetanios, count 2: possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony; count 4: possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; count 5: possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor; remaining counts dismissed. Count 2: 730 days Department of Corrections/Brown County Jail with 180 days executed, remainder suspended. Count 4: 180 days in BCJ, all executed. Count 5: 60 days in BCJ, all executed. Concurrent to each other. Credit for 67 actual days. Probation for 550 days on count 2; $488 fine and total court costs.

Emmett Smith, failure to return to lawful detention, Level 6 felony; 545 days in BCJ, all executed. Consecutive to 07C01-1902-CM-00043. Finding of indigence, fine and court costs waived. Appeal rights explained.

Nov. 18

Angela Porter, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, Class C misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 60 days in BCJ with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 365 days; $386.50 fine and total court costs.

Jennifer Clephane, count 1: operating a vehicle while intoxicated — endangering a person, Class A misdemeanor; count 3: battery against public safety officer, Level 6 felony; count 4: intimidation, Level 6 felony; count 5: operating a vehicle with a Schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the blood, Class C misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed. Count 1: 365 days in BCJ, all executed. Count 3: 365 days in BCJ, all executed. Count 4: 365 days in BCJ, all executed. Concurrent to each other. Credit for four actual days. License suspension on count 1 for one year; $125 court costs. Appellate rights explained. Defendant remanded to custody of sheriff. Court does not enter judgment of conviction on count 5 due to double jeopardy.

Dismissed cases

Nov. 19

Brandon Schmitt, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, Level 6 felony; operating a vehicle with a Schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the body, Level 6 felony; operating a vehicle while intoxicated — endangering a person, Class A misdemeanor